Snoozing at my Feet! 🥰

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She has been hanging around under my desk. 🥺💕

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Why her face so pointy?


Look at that mouf!

What about it?

Someone wanted to see my screensaver, so here it is 😂 And he slept with face like that for good 20 minutes.


little boy was very brave today. we took him to the vet for the first time and he only had one mushy poo about it!


I thought Junie might enjoy her new hat! She prefers it as a vessel for treats…


His favorite space


Babysitting this cutie had brought me to the rabbit side

What about it?

Been participating in babysitting a friends bunny. Now I have lots of questions and I am currently wanting to get a bunny myself. (Her name is Melanie and she is 3 ) On average how much did you spend on the process of adopting and getting supplies for your bunny? How much do you pay per month? My boyfriend is worried that the bunny will take up too much space in our two bedroom apartment. (Planning on putting bunny next to kitchen table in living room in a playpen style cage about 3x4 feet. This sounds like a really dumb question but have any of you successfully put your bunny on a leash to let it play outside? We will not have a yard for him: her to freely roam Lastly, I am looking to adopt a bunny from a nearby shelter in the majority of these bunnies are one to three years old. Do you believe I will have any difficulty training a bunny of this age? TIA for the tips !!!


Need help cooling my bunny!

What about it?

Hey guys! I’m looking for advice on keeping my bunny cool this summer. My room is way too hot for her (80 F) and nothing is working to really cool my small room down. I live in an apartment with my parents and my small room gets hot over the summer. I have 4 fans, one is a window fan that pushes hot air out, one small desk fan on the floor for her to walk up to, one small AC unit on the floor that blows mist and cold air, and finally a Dyson fan. I have also included 3 ceramic tiles and give her ice cold water in her bowls. I wrap a frozen ice pack to lay next to her as well, but with how hot my room is, seems like none of what I’m doing is actually helping. I’ve been having to wet her ears more often because she is so warm. I even try to shave her since she’s so fluffy in order to help, but my room is too hot and my parents won’t help me. I’m really desperate at this point for a solution and I have no where else to turn. I’m hoping someone can recommend me a technique or say how they keep their room cool during these brutal hot summer days. I’m more concerned with her than to myself, I just want the baby to be cool and comfortable. Sorry for any grammatical errors.


What do you guys call your bunnies as nicknames?

What about it?

Some of mine are puppyface, doodoobobby, big fat chungus, new-new mommy(??) , Monday girl (cuz her full name is lunedì cuz it’s funny to me) , puppy, milk breath, baby cub, baby gagootz, fat, flufferson, Booperson, Holland lop baby with helicopter ears, etc☺️🩷




So excited for both of these days
