Some proper small sign reading good folk regulars in my local

Read also:

Higgins update. Second week of resettlement to her newabode. I think I've created a monster.


Bolton Abbey, Skipton


Saw this at a service station today.... any idea how it works?


The size of this “really big” burrito… absolute unit


Is there any of these left in the UK?

What about it?

I've allways wanted to play with one of these kiosks, some of the Email kiosks and payphones still exist but i don't remember the Internet ones, Does anyone know of any still installed in the UK? I haven't ventured greatly outside of Essex.. And any help will be appreciated.


Was in the Yorkshire Dales this weekend and this cloud looked remarkably like an old man in a flat cap


the great custard can decision of 2023: strawberry shortcake


Has anyone else had one of these arrive in the post unannounced? Can't tell if it's a mail promo or a threat...

What about it?

If it's a threat, I don't think I have much time left...


What do you think of these style of benches?

What about it?

They seem to be everywhere all of a sudden


For some reason, the seagulls only go for our bins.

What about it?

I’ve had to move back in with my parents recently and so far every time we put the bins out, they go straight for the food at about 5am, it’s a long street with lots of bins to choose from, yet they only go for ours, which results in a lot of seagulls using my car as a public toilet to the point i don’t think I can be bothered to wash it anymore despite loving it so much. Any tips to keep them away? I already ran out yelling at them topless with an American flag one morning when I was in a really shitty mood, but still we’re their restaurant of choice.
