I wish this was a real thing. But it would probably be around 500 gigabytes.

What about it?

Like imaging a full collection (like the Master Chief collection) of every zombie map from every one of the CODs that have the game mode.

Read also:

I wish we could get a PS5 version of this game...


Mary Jane's face model looks to have undergone a fair change between Spiderman 1 and Spiderman 2


bit of a castle addiction


I am so grateful to live in a city in Sweden with the best tap water in the country


I am moving and my new place doesn’t have an ice maker in the fridge. Saying goodbye to a true homie 😭


Representing at a restaurant on vacation.

What about it?

We had to ask for at least six of these refill pitchers during our lunch.


Seen on Twitter in the wild


New drink bottle. New daily goal


This was funnier in my head


My Brita water bottle keeps closing on me.

What about it?

Whenever I drink from it it’s very difficult and when I look into it the filter keeps closing up. I already changed the filter to a new one and I keep having the same issue. What could be the problem?
