my missing puzzle piece

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she loves to come find me & plop down on my arms trying to find the perfect nook to fall asleep in 🤣

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POV opening my eyes as I wake as she peeks through from the window sill


Cat on a mission

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Too much of a fraidy cat to explore, he just hangs out on the deck. He's a well behaved chonk.


She knows where to find the perfect lighting


Since you all loved George so much here’s another - look at those blue eyes


Best petcamera?

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I want to see my baby when I’m not home, what camera do you recommend?


I'm a peaceful man.... But, you fk with my kids, imma fuck you up!


Bubbie wubbie

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Happy Friday from my pewter boy


Advice for fearful cat??

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Hello! This might be a long one and I apologize, but I really am desperate for your help! A couple years ago, this lil babe and her brother started showing up in our backyard. Catching them was almost IMPOSSIBLE but we finally managed it when they were estimated to be about 12 weeks old. Her brother domesticated no issue and was adopted. Vanya did not and seems to have gotten worse over the years (we had also welcomed a baby in that time). It would be unfathomable to get a photo like this now. She used to pee on our couch daily. We tried anti-anxiety collars (she’d rip them off), we are constantly spending $$$ on multi-cat feliway plugs, we secluded her to a smaller room at our old house, but she HATED it and screamed to be out. We even tried it for weeks at one point to see if we could get her comfortable with us/more relaxed. No dice. She did SORT OF warm up, but it seemed to be a ploy to let us let her go, because she went back to her old self immediately. We have four other cats, and she doesn’t seem to mind her cat siblings, it’s just us she can’t take. We moved, and though she stays under the bed 24/7 and runs out of the room when anyone even enters the room with the bed she’s under now, we thought she was happier. She was closer to a litterbox of her own, we bring her up her food and put it outside the bed, she doesn’t have to deal with us. She stopped couch peeing. She does slink downstairs at around 8:30pm when we are on the couch after our son has gone to bed to drink water, but any movement from us and she runs back upstairs. WELL, the pee has started back up again after a month in the new place. I just want her to be happy, and I REALLY don’t want to clean up pee. We had deep cleaned the couches and gotten them to the point where they stopped smelling and took off the water proof covers! 😫 She’s beautiful, but the rescue we worked with just told us to toss her back outside because she will never domesticate, but this cat has been an indoor cat and without her lil partner in crime for years now. I refuse to do that. If I could catch her to bring her to a shelter, I know she’d be terrified constantly and “The Kiss of Death” is a cat peeing where they shouldn’t. I have no idea what to do, and we’re about to welcome another baby in the next couple of weeks. I thought about trying to get her anti-anxiety meds from the vet, but we can’t even be sure she’s the one eating all her food since we leave it outside the bed and have to leave the room. Any advice is appreciated.


Saw someone else's so sharing mine to keep it goin'

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We are losing one of the family today

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She's almost 20 years old and has been around for most of my husband's life. We'll miss you Tiffany
