Can someone help identify?

What about it?

Hey everyone, My dogs losing hair on his legs. I’ve taken him to the vet for this but all they have done is prescribe aboquel and antibiotics which does work temporarily but is only a short term solution for him. I’m working on his diet now to see if he has any allergies but I don’t think it’s a good allergy to be honest. I bathe him once or twice a week with antiseptic and anti fungal shampoo as well as use conditioner on his skin to keep it moist. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks I’m advance for the help!

Read also:

Weird bump on dog paw

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Was clipping her nails when I noticed this little white bump on her toes. It's hard, and doesn't seem to be puss filled. She isn't bothered when I touch it or mess with it, should I be concerned? She has a vet appt in about a month for vaccines, but should I schedule something sooner, or just keep an eye on it?


How to stop dog from pooping in my rocks near my pool

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I have a stretch of rocks near my pool that my dogs keep peeing and pooping in. They have a whole side yard of grass that they also use. How can I stop them from using that rock area? I’m to the point of just wanting to cement it over.


Does seems to have leg injury??

What about it?

Anyone else's dog have this before? My german shepherd had this on the back of his hind leg found him licking at it. I thought it could be from the dog park since the ground is made of wood chips and be runs and rolls around in it. But I still wanted to make sure and ask everyone if they've ever seen anything like this. Gonna call the vet and ask tomorrow morning too


Mysterious head wounds

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My 5 year old lab has had 3 mysterious head wounds over the past 6 months. They all look like they could be scrapes and seem to show up out of nowhere. They scab over, then she scratches at them and reopens the wound, but they heal up after a couple weeks. I took her to the vet and they cleaned the wound and gave her antibiotics. I just don’t know what could be causing this to keep happening all of the sudden. She’s an indoor dog and is only outside with supervision. I don’t know anything in the house she could be injuring herself on. Has anyone else seen anything like this?


My mom bought a dog unprepared and doesn’t know Jack about taking care of one

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Hi everyone, I’m the person who posted about a random puppy I found that was trapped in rat trap glue in my living room and I wanna give an update. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I took about 85% glue out of his fur and scrubbed him down good. I’m also planning on taking him to the groomers to polish him up soon but for now, he’s chilling with me, relaxing peacefully. Here is the bad news, my mom randomly bought this puppy today and doesn’t know how to take care of it. All she did was buy a bed, two toys, food, and bunch of pee pads.. that’s it. I ask her questions about his vaccination status, she said none yet but will vaccinate him in the next two weeks…. Alrighty. The second question I asked her about is neutering him. She asked me, “what’s that?”…😕 alright, I’m definitely going to give this dog away but anyways this puppy is absolutely attached to me and keep on barking and growling at my mom every time he sees her. She even tried picking him up and he snapped at her. My mom is now all confused about why he’s acting that way as if she didn’t leave him all by himself which got him into this horrible predicament. I already told her why she’s an unfit owner but she’s in denial. Luckily, I have past experience working with animals (school and work) but I’m starting to think that’s why my mom bought this dog.. for me to f*cking come take care of it all by myself and I don’t even want a dog. I’m not ready on taking care of another living being yet but here I am. I’m going to have to train him on not being mean to my mother but she deserves it. I’m also not fond on potty training and taking him to the vet by myself. I’m so overwhelmed and I want to cry, I feel so bad for this damn puppy. (Can someone please tell me what breed this dog is?, I’m too stressed to figure everything out rn) my mom named him Oreo and he’s eleven weeks old btw


My dog licks air all the time. She's had teeth cleaned/removed, full blood work, doesn't vomit. Why would she do this?


11 year old Dog excessively panting

What about it?

Just wondering if anyone has insight into why my 11 year old girl has been panting more than usual. She paces around the house panting not constantly but more than I would think is normal. I took her for a full senior blood panel and the only thing they noticed was something slightly high in her urine but could have been due to urine concentration. She has been on thyro tabs for hypothyroidism for years and has arthritis. It has been hot but we have AC. The vet said it could be because she is old and having cognitive decline? It worries me but other than that she seems normal. Is there additional testing I should ask for? Oh she is overweight which is partially due to her thyroid.


Bumps appear days after neutering?

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Posting this on my mom's behalf. Her 5y/o pitbull is having cold symptoms and small bumps appeared on his lower back days after he was neutered. She will be calling the vet on Monday. In the mean time, any idea what this might be?


Ear infection

What about it?

Hello all, I recently a took in a dog who’s previous owner went into a nursing home. It seems to me that she has an ear infection because she is rubbing her head on the ground and I’ll include a photo of what the ear looks like. She had a vet appointment scheduled this upcoming Wednesday but I was wondering if there was anything I could do right now to help her because I imagine it doesn’t feel good. Also, she desperately needs a grooming and has one scheduled tomorrow. Should I still take her to get groomed tomorrow or what to see the vet? I tried asking the vet but could only speak with the receptionist and she was unable to answer the question.


I was walking by my dog in the neighborhood and was attacked my another pittie. Will this heal on its own or does this need a vet?
