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automatic french afterlife


Wolves keep the moose population in check and healthy through selective predation, i.e., exhibiting a strong preference for hunting and targeting elderly moose or those prime-age adults that are afflicted with osteoarthritis.


Looking for advice on how to potty train an apartment puppy 🙏🏻 she uses the pee pad but seems to holding it outside until she comes in to her pee pad. 🙈Adding picture of the little demon for attention


any advice on how to get the big one to stop drooling all over the little one?

What about it?

Whenever these two play the bigger one will mouth the little one? Like not bite but put his mouth over him and drools all over him. It looks like he just went swimming!


Advice on getting my dog to take pills

What about it?

Hello, my 18 year old dog needs to take pills for his Cushing disease and will not do it when I hide it in pill pockets, cheese, peanut butter, pepperoni, or bread. Anything else I can try that may work? Thank you!!!


Sudden weird behavior?

What about it?

This is my wonderful 2yo Siberian Husky. I’ve had him a little over 2 months (adopted from his first owner.) I’m aware of the 3-3-3 concept. He’s been extremely well behaved since I’ve had him. We walk this dog like it’s our job. He chases us mountain biking, goes hiking and runs with us. We’re also mindful of the heat since he’s doing everything wearing two coats (effectively.) On Thursday night, I took him for a run when temps cooled down and he was randomly jumping up on me. On and off leash. He had ample opportunity to sniff, pee, drink lake water, etc. It was weird but I didn’t think much of it. Last night, we gave him some cooked beef liver as a treat and supplement to his normal dinner. In the middle of the night, he was probably pacing around and struggling with upset stomach, his stomach was gurgling (I was vaguely aware but mostly asleep.) And then out of the blue and for the first time since I’ve had him, he peed on the floor. I rushed him outside and he peed again. Thinking the worst of it was over, I brought him back in and went to sleep. A few hours later, I heard him noisily drinking water and thought my roommate had overfilled his bowl. I don’t mean to sound like an asshole, but I didn’t stop him drinking too much (I will often limit the amount of water he gets to a single glass at a time so he doesn’t spit it up.) And then I faced the consequences since he came back to me and puked the extra water at my feet. But wait, there’s more: because about 2 hours later I woke up to him peeing on the floor again. His day yesterday for context: he went out mountain biking and hiking for the better part of the day with my partner while I worked from home. He had a normal kibble breakfast and a special mixed kibble beef liver (chopped small) dinner. I don’t know what his water intake over the day yesterday was, but my partner assured me he was adequately hydrated. Another thing that’s weird: he’s been squatting to pee recently. Is it a UTI? Why would my otherwise angelic, well-behaved dog suddenly start peeing in the house? I’m concerned he’s trying to ‘tell me something’ jumping on me and whatnot. But I don’t know. New dog owner. Any thoughts you have are appreciated!


Can someone help identify?

What about it?

Hey everyone, My dogs losing hair on his legs. I’ve taken him to the vet for this but all they have done is prescribe aboquel and antibiotics which does work temporarily but is only a short term solution for him. I’m working on his diet now to see if he has any allergies but I don’t think it’s a good allergy to be honest. I bathe him once or twice a week with antiseptic and anti fungal shampoo as well as use conditioner on his skin to keep it moist. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks I’m advance for the help!


Weird bump on dog paw

What about it?

Was clipping her nails when I noticed this little white bump on her toes. It's hard, and doesn't seem to be puss filled. She isn't bothered when I touch it or mess with it, should I be concerned? She has a vet appt in about a month for vaccines, but should I schedule something sooner, or just keep an eye on it?


How to stop dog from pooping in my rocks near my pool

What about it?

I have a stretch of rocks near my pool that my dogs keep peeing and pooping in. They have a whole side yard of grass that they also use. How can I stop them from using that rock area? I’m to the point of just wanting to cement it over.


Does seems to have leg injury??

What about it?

Anyone else's dog have this before? My german shepherd had this on the back of his hind leg found him licking at it. I thought it could be from the dog park since the ground is made of wood chips and be runs and rolls around in it. But I still wanted to make sure and ask everyone if they've ever seen anything like this. Gonna call the vet and ask tomorrow morning too
