Don’t mess with that voodoo crap.

Read also:

Kristy Krabs




Not Me Getting Off The Wi-Fi


Iv put a clear coat of polyurethane on the top to keep the natural look but need help deciding what colour to paint the bottom, what do you guys think?


First joint on my own box joint jig


I am making my first table and I have no idea what I am doing

What about it?

Fake it ‘til you make it, right?


Question about building a dresser

What about it?

Just wondering if this design will be strong enough, the outside frame will 3/4 inch plywood, the two inside pieces will be 1/2 inch plywood and the back panel will be 1/4 inch plywood. It won't be holding a crazy amount of weight, there will be four drawers holding clothes on the right side, the left side will just be clothes hangers for shirts, the bottom will be one larger drawer for just random stuff. Im mainly concerned about the strength of the dados, will they be able to hold the weight of the shelves? Any advice is appreciated!


No clue why I didn’t build these sooner but here we are!

What about it?

I had bought a pair for $80 at Target since they were “real wood” but they snapped after the first couple of games, imagine that! So I spent the same in materials and finally built my own to regulation standards.


Bring down the decibels

What about it?

Not sure if this is the place for this but i wanted to know if anyone has ever found a way to make the table saw less noisy. Even just a few decibels would be nice. I dont want to disturb any of my neighbors. And theres only so much i can do with the room already. A havent gotten any complaints but i want to do my best to keep the noise as low as i can any thoughts??


My first sold piece! Farmhouse bar height 4 person dining table
