Found on Instagram

Read also:

Why don’t you women go out to war? Every fkin man is out there fighting for their life


This man thinks that is equal for men to hit women with a trashcan when she only shoved him


My male classmate posted this and they wonder why I keep to myself


Idk how people like this exist 😭


Make your own sandwich!


This guy arguing that men cheating is women's fault


So I guess this guy came out of his dad's vagina


can we stop micromanaging how women dress?

What about it?

basically this girl was posting about how her bf told her she DESERVED to be raped for what she was wearing. and the comments… are just abysmal.


Apparently women only need a gyno if they have sex (unexpected tie in: Barbie spoiler)

What about it?

The Barbie reviews are filled with NotHowGirlsWork content but this person can’t comprehend that a gynecologist isn’t strictly a “sex doctor”.


Once they get their period? You mean 10 yo or even younger!?? 🤢🤢

What about it?

The man you see replies to a vile repulsive creep commenting women should get pregnant once they get their period. I had mine when I was 11 and heard women got theirs even at 8. Seriously? Not even trying to hide his gross pedo vibes
