In all these years, I never noticed the trash cans.

Read also:

All right, Homer, we want you to recreate your every move the night you saw this alien.

What about it?

I didn't know how much I needed this pin until it arrived. Shut up and take my money


The other day, I was so desperate for a beer, I snuck into the football stadium and ate the dirt under the bleachers.


I've gotta stop fantasizing about Lee Majors.


Hello, Mr Thompson.


"Id: Along with the ego and the superego... one of three components of the psyche."


Marge, we haven't missed pork chop night since the great pig scare in '87!


Okay, she's fat. Can't breathe... Someone dangle some string.


"But Mad Dog was wrong. The fire burned through the night and cost him the use of his pants!"


What happened to you China, you used to be cool.


Do you think Lisa should of had to apologise during this episode?

What about it?

I don’t think she ever should of had to yes Lisa can be a little bit annoying to people at time but she’s also a kid who just wants to learn and her teacher who is supposed to do this doesn’t just because miss hoover has her own set of problems doesn’t mean she has the right to take them out on anyone else especially when it comes and effects her work
