Wow! That’s awesome!

Read also:

My ex was drunk and on Xanax.

What about it?

She also wanted to try tattooing with one of my coil machines ( I was apprenticing at the time), for her first time. Well I was drunk too, so I gave her my ankle… And she gave me this…


This is pretty mild in comparison to what usually gets posted. Girl I went to school with got this and no one corrected her

What about it?

It's one of the most common spelling mistakes but it still makes me cringe when people don't double check spelling...


Girl I went to high school with put this on my sister. We didn’t have the heart to tell her how bad it looks..

What about it?

Not the worst ever, but…definitely the worst one she has. I’m mad for her.


Thoughts on this artist belonging here?

What about it?

At first I thought the artist was making art out of self harm (which is cool, I have many self harm scars but they personally don’t bother me), but this appears to be the style, as every tat on every person looks like this (also they only seem to be on extremely thin quite women)… it really weirds me out that the tats look like self harm deliberately imo. Also, these tats are going to fade super quickly, no?? Wondering if other people agree that these tattoos are objectively bad


Am I wrong in thinking this looks bad?


Found one



What about it?

When you really love cycling…


Asked my buddy for Albert Camu. This is what I got. The resemblance is striking.


The pizza on my toe that my spouse gave me while we were dating


Impeccable linework

What about it?

It gets worse the longer you look at it
