Unconditional Love

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Feelin very stylish


Say hi to our newest pack member - Max

What about it?

Max is the third and newest pack member in our golden pack. He’s the snuggliest little guy we’ve ever had and is a quick learner. We just love him.


He puts his nose in my pocket and waits


I mustache you a question….


Anyone else’s puppy get “crimps” in their hair after a bath?

What about it?

Sorry if that’s a repeated question. She’s my first golden pup. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lost our Moose today...

What about it?

Sweet Penny. Rescued 2 years ago. Gone too soon. Bone cancer is a bitch...


Pet loss

What about it?

I lost my golden retriever this weekend. He would’ve been 9 and a half in 2 weeks. He had cancer & was on oral chemo and doing well. He took a super sudden turn for the worse over the weekend and couldn’t stand. He didn’t move for over 17 hours. We knew it was time to say goodbye. I have lost pets before but have never, ever felt a pain this bad. I can’t wrap my head around never seeing him again. I can’t stop crying. Everyone keeps saying it’ll get better with time, but I feel like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces


We need bed suggestions. Toby is now 85 lbs. We’ve realized his bed is now too small for him. Bought it two years ago.


My passion for photography starts and stops with my dog

What about it?

If anyone's got any tips for keeping a year old golden retriever still let me know


Anyone ever try to get work done when your Golden has a ball? My Max won’t let me multi-task.
