A view in Maine

What about it?

Our off grid homestead on 76 acres. Looking west towards North Conway, NH and the White Mountains.

Read also:

How to manage small snails?


What are these

What about it?

I’m in Iowa. Anyone know what these are growing on a tree in my yard in Iowa. But I have noticed other trees in my yard not native to Iowa.


Newest auction pickup from last weekend. Always a crap shoot with auction buys, but she seems to work terrific and was well cared for.


Coolest calf we've ever had

What about it?

I bred our red angus to a black angus and got the most beautiful grey heifer I have ever seen!


How do I get the hypomyces lactifluorum paracite from one area of my property to another.


What to do with red cedar tops & needles?


She’s taking her sweet time with laying. 21 weeks old brown leg horn 😆


Had a deck built today. This is what I fished out of the burn/trash pile.

What about it?

I had a burn/brush pile nearby that I told them they could throw my decrepit old steps into. And they added this to it. I'm sorry, we don't throw good lumber away here. That's a whole 2×4. That's not trash. That's the start of my next project.


So that makes 18 quarts of beef stew and a few jars of oven roasted tomatoes from the garden before they are too far gone for anything.


Honey Lollipops/ Hot Tea Stir Sticks

What about it?

I'm trying to make my honey go further than just selling raw honey. I've lost 3 of my 5 hives so I'm trying to find new ways to use my honey and sell some too. Ingredients: 2 cups sugar, 1/3 cup light corn syrup, 1/3 cup honey, 3/4 cup water. Instructions: combine all ingredients in a large pot on medium high heat, stir just until dissolved and then don't stir again. Use a candy thermometer and heat mix to 300⁰ (approximately 20 minutes) then pour into molds. Honey will scorch once it heats passed 300 so watch it close.
