Finally got one of my pastures under control and it’s beautiful!

What about it?

Weeds were 4 foot tall and 1/2” thick along the whole barn and fence and throughout the pasture. A good mow and weed whack took a long time but it looks pretty and I’m happy :’)

Read also:

A view in Maine

What about it?

Our off grid homestead on 76 acres. Looking west towards North Conway, NH and the White Mountains.


How to manage small snails?


What are these

What about it?

I’m in Iowa. Anyone know what these are growing on a tree in my yard in Iowa. But I have noticed other trees in my yard not native to Iowa.


Newest auction pickup from last weekend. Always a crap shoot with auction buys, but she seems to work terrific and was well cared for.


Coolest calf we've ever had

What about it?

I bred our red angus to a black angus and got the most beautiful grey heifer I have ever seen!


How do I get the hypomyces lactifluorum paracite from one area of my property to another.


What to do with red cedar tops & needles?


She’s taking her sweet time with laying. 21 weeks old brown leg horn 😆


Had a deck built today. This is what I fished out of the burn/trash pile.

What about it?

I had a burn/brush pile nearby that I told them they could throw my decrepit old steps into. And they added this to it. I'm sorry, we don't throw good lumber away here. That's a whole 2×4. That's not trash. That's the start of my next project.


So that makes 18 quarts of beef stew and a few jars of oven roasted tomatoes from the garden before they are too far gone for anything.
