Happened a while ago, but I was reminded of it on here. What prompted this: I made a post pointing out evangelical Christian hypocrisy. This was my mom's response, referencing my deceased grandparents.

What about it?

She then went on to make a comment just below this, about how trans men are r*ping little girls in bathrooms, but that "doesn't make all trans people the same", which was a comment so far outta left field... Also, can confirm she does, in fact, consider all trans and gay people to be the same, damnable, etc. Source: her reaction when I came out to her as bi.

Read also:

I had the nerve to ask for my Social Security checks

What about it?

I woke up to this after texting him late last night I’m 18 btw, I moved out at 17 because both my ‘parents’ were toxic :/


Is my dad being normal

What about it?

So my dad is quite overprotective of me, yes most parents are like that, but he begs me to come and see him, and if I don’t want to, he’ll whine to my mum and he tries to change my mind (I live with mum). Recently he’s been getting into my school reports (because my mum blocked him) and is trying to find as much about me as he can when my mum won’t send him anything (he can get my reports because I’m under 16, not stating my exact age though). He also has access to my location so if I’m anywhere but home he will keep asking where I am, even if I’m just 10-15 miles away. To add, I’ve been in hospital and my mum hesitated to tell him, but when she did, he came over on the same day (the hospital is 4-5 hours from where he lives). Thankfully though they didn’t let him in the ward I was in. I know it’s not long before I’m 16, but is he being normal?


LOVE the crazy text rants where she makes everything about herself

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This was all because I mistakenly called her for reassurance because my toenail fell off and I had to rip the last bit off and it was bleeding and created an open wound all down the side of my toe. And literally like 2 months ago I had surgery on the same toe on the other side for an ingrown toenail. That started how? Because there was an open wound on the toe and my nail grew into it. And it was the most painful and miserable four months of my life until I could finally see a surgeon then a painful and uncomfortable and expensive surgery. So I really cannot mentally or physically afford to go through all that again so I was panicking (and still am panicked tbh) because I don’t want the same thing to happen and she gave me a speech about how she told me I should keep soaking my toe and I just don’t listen and that she’s right and I’m dumb basically and then was yelling at me and telling me I was being “ridiculous” when I started to cry and that it was all my fault for pulling it and I should have learned my lesson so I hung up on her. These are the texts that followed


Mom doesn't approve my makeup (I'm 27)

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I'm just a sleepy trash panda, nothing more, lol.


Step dad be guilt trippin.


I’m tired

What about it?

My parents have been divorced for about 11 years now. Since I was 3. Last year the rules surrounding the divorce changed. Now instead of my father making the trips up a four hour drive and down a four hour drive, my mother brings us up on a Friday for the weekend and my dad brings us back down on Sunday. Since this has changed my mother starts ranting to me because he wants to follow court order and won’t drive us up because his government job doesn’t allow him to drive. I’m so tired of it and it really pisses me off when I get the text about something I shouldn’t be talking about or hearing about. She broke court order three times simply by leaving the country without telling my dad about it. Today she got back and started ranting about what happened.


A grown man acting like this if he doesn't have his way. Do I respond?

What about it?

I'm certain that my parents are some sort of narcissist abusers but they're not diagnosed. I notice this type of complaining happens when he isn't in control of the relationship, or wants more attention. I'm trying to keep a good relationship with this person, but after a not so good childhood (to say the least, it was enabling & physical abuse) and now constant hoovering and helicoptering now that I'm over 18, I doubt this is going to last.


Just go to the hospital! I already feel bad for this child.


I used some shredded cheese

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I’m also on workers comp still paying her rent


just one example of what i deal with

What about it?

Every time i say anything she doesn’t ‘like’ she sends me a text telling me i’m ungrateful, disrespectful, etc. i apparently take her for granted, for what i don’t know. for context, i live with my parents. i’m in college full time. I wash dishes, clothes, all of the towels, i clean the kitchen, the bathrooms, the living room. everything. She literally only cooks meals, and lately i’ve even been doing that. i’m overwhelmed with classes and told her i didn’t feel like washing the dishes. and then i told her she could help me put the animals to bed for their nightly routine but she was ‘eating the house’ something we JOKE ABOUT constantly. apparently it’s suddenly not okay to say though.
