I would love help cleaning up this photo. Please remove the trash in the front along with the bucket. Remove the random toy in the background. I would love to place this on my dad’s tombstone. He recently passed 5/4/2023.

Read also:

Fix the shadows and the face colors


Nighttime photography shot and was wondering if anyone could add "The Rich" in the same Neon Sign color so it now says "Eat The Rich." Best one will be tipped $10.


Could anyone please edit the orange stripes on this train to be green and either the face, the black part behind the face or both to be blue? Probably sounds strange but I'm curious how he'd look with Kang the Conqueror's (a Marvel character) colours


Request! Could someone edit out the two blurred people in this photo of my youngest holding hands with her BFF? Thank you in advance! I can tip but don’t have a huge budget


can someone make it higher quality


Help! My son met legendary goalie David James yesterday and in his star struck panic couldn’t hold the camera still- he is gutted it’s so blurry, can anyone help? I can tip £10


Please turn my best friend's mirror pic into him holding a pretty bag and being fabulous. Tip goes to funniest one


Can someone please put them on a stage like they're superstars


This is from my bachelor party, I’m the one in blue, can someone switch me with my friend in the front middle and possibly make it where I’m sitting and he’s standing so it doesn’t mess up the standing / sitting rows. Will tip!!


Can someone make my dog morbidly obese? Much appreciated ❤️
