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Is this a Cane Toad???? My friend is watching my dog and said he ate this dead frog/toad. We live in South Florida so there are Cane Toads but we're unsure if this is one? It'd been dead for about a week before he ate it. He's a 70lb doberman mix. Suggestions???? He isn't showing toxicity symptoms as of yet and its been about 30 minutes

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Dog period

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Is this normal for my dogs vagina to be this swollen on her heat? I’ve never had a female dog before


Will my dog jump off this balcony/ what should I do to prevent

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I have a 2 year old blue healer/ lab mix. I moved into a new apartment on the 27th floor. I have a patio and I am scared she will jump off. She is high energy and I would say she is the smartest dog ever. I just want to know if she would jump or if there is anything I can buy to prevent it. She is 40lbs and pretty small. The height of the railing is to my ribs and I am 6’ 1”. However being a healer she is super athletic and could jump over it without a problem. Any advice would help. (Also I know I will get comments on having a healer in a high rise apartment. She is well trained and I work from home she gets 6-7 walks a day.)


Why wont by dog grow any hair in this spot?

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He might’ve had a spider bite a couple of months ago. It got better with antibiotics but the spot never grew hair again…


Is This Viral Papilloma?

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Took my dog to the vet and she doesn’t know what it is. She said we can do a surgery and then they can analyze it. Bansfield want to charge me $350?


Getting too big for crate?

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I’m afraid I underestimated the size of crate she would need. This is only for bed time. She is about 5 months old. I’m not quite ready to trust her loose in the house or even in a bedroom while everyone is sleeping. She can stand up and turn around fine, but she can’t stretch out much. WWYD?


CA VMB question

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Hi, I know this is a long shot but has anyone ever filed a complaint with the CA VMB? If so how long is this process because it’s seriously stressing me out. I filed my complaint the first week of may and haven’t heard a thing back yet. I’m constantly checking the complaint section on their website and nothing on there either which I know only approved complaints get posted on there not all the filed ones and I know you have to have a strong case for it to even reach that level. It’s just been so long (in my opinion) and I just hope my case didn’t get lost in the shuffle. Anyone have anything they can share that they have first hand knowledge about this whole process? Thank you so much. RIP Bruce 04/2020-04/2023 I promised my boy I would fight until there is nothing left I can do. He didn’t deserve to die and I don’t ever wish this upon anyone else. (He was sleeping in this pic)


Pet Insurance Advice

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Hi all! My 3 year old pup Opal tore her cruciate ligament and has her repair scheduled in a couple weeks. I have heard following the initial tear, it is very likely for dogs to tear their other ligament. because of this, I have been searching the internet for pet insurances that would cover this second surgery, IF she was to need it. As of now her left leg looks great but I’m just trying to be more prepared if it is to happen. Unfortunately most places won’t cover it since she’s already torn her right and it’s not considered “pre existing” Does anyone know of any insurance companies that would cover a second tear???? Thanks for your help!


Baby Rabbits

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So, my dog (goldendoodle,3years old) ate 2 newborn bunnies this morning. She's killed them before, but this time apparently she was hungry 🤦‍♀️ I am pretty sure that she will digest them ok, or puke it back up. But I just didn't know if anyone had anything that I should be concerned about or know about


Could this be a "Hot spot" on my dog?

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We have a vet appointment tomorrow. For tonight, we are using desinfect and were told not to let her lick the red patch. It's about 3cm in diameter and the dark part is a bit wet...


Could this be a "Hot spot" on my dog?

What about it?

We have a vet appointment tomorrow. For tonight, we are using desinfect and were told not to let her lick the red patch. It's about 3cm in diameter and the dark part is a bit wet...
