Month in science

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‘The Line’ is a Saudi Arabian mega-project under construction that is will span 200m wide, 500m tall, and 170km long. For reference, the One World Trade Center in New York is appx. 540m tall.

What about it?

The project, estimated to cost as much as $1-trillion, is proposed to house a population of 9-million+ people and run on entirely renewable energy. Additionally, the total land area of the project will be approximately 34 km^(2) compared to Manhattan Island’s 59 km^(2).


Aleksandr Komin kept 6 people as prisoners in a 30-feet deep bunker under his garage forcing them to work 16 hours a day. When two women tried to escape, they were caught and Aleksandr tattooed "РАБ"(Russian for "slave") on their faces.


1926: Harry Houdini Spends Hour and Half in Submerged Coffin (Minneapolis Morning Tribune)


The skeleton of Joseph Merrick, also known as "the elephant man"


10 Week old Puppy had Vaccine yesterday and Has been sick 5 times Today.

What about it?

As the title says is this anything to be worried about. She can't keep food down isn't drinking much and has slept most of the day.



What about it?

Is this a Cane Toad???? My friend is watching my dog and said he ate this dead frog/toad. We live in South Florida so there are Cane Toads but we're unsure if this is one? It'd been dead for about a week before he ate it. He's a 70lb doberman mix. Suggestions???? He isn't showing toxicity symptoms as of yet and its been about 30 minutes


Dog period

What about it?

Is this normal for my dogs vagina to be this swollen on her heat? I’ve never had a female dog before


Will my dog jump off this balcony/ what should I do to prevent

What about it?

I have a 2 year old blue healer/ lab mix. I moved into a new apartment on the 27th floor. I have a patio and I am scared she will jump off. She is high energy and I would say she is the smartest dog ever. I just want to know if she would jump or if there is anything I can buy to prevent it. She is 40lbs and pretty small. The height of the railing is to my ribs and I am 6’ 1”. However being a healer she is super athletic and could jump over it without a problem. Any advice would help. (Also I know I will get comments on having a healer in a high rise apartment. She is well trained and I work from home she gets 6-7 walks a day.)


Why wont by dog grow any hair in this spot?

What about it?

He might’ve had a spider bite a couple of months ago. It got better with antibiotics but the spot never grew hair again…


Is This Viral Papilloma?

What about it?

Took my dog to the vet and she doesn’t know what it is. She said we can do a surgery and then they can analyze it. Bansfield want to charge me $350?
