Dale was pretty excited to get out camping again.

Read also:

Snuggled in


Is this hot spot vet worthy? On her neck, so cone of shame isn’t viable unfortunately




Do Goldens not care about birds / squirrels?

What about it?

Every dog I’ve ever had goes insane when they see a bird or squirrel nearby except this one lol


Personification of derpness!

What about it?

100% DERP!


This is Nugget

What about it?

He went from 13 lbs to 21 lbs to 35 lbs each month. My neighbor said “lay off the steroids Nugget” lol


Hey there


This pic kinda looks like I found him in the ground and dug him up


Show me your golden's favourite toy

What about it?

This is Dexter's favourite - Mr Croc. The fact he hasn't fully destroyed and ripped it apart is his biggest sign of affection!


How to stop puppy from barking?

What about it?

My puppy has been barking at me and I think it’s for attention or because she wants to bite me and jump on my face, which I don’t let her do, and when I’m about to feed her as well, I wait until she’s quiet to give her food, I tried training her when she’s barking, rewarding her when she stops for a few seconds and saying “yes, good quiet” but I don’t think it’s working, is there anything else I can do to stop this demand barking?
