Want to opt out of marketing? Fine: you won't get digital receipts or vouchers either.

Read also:

Instagram showing an ad as the first post on my feed.


18 times in 24 hours FUCK APPLE


Verizon decided to install some crappy games for me seemingly out of nowhere.

What about it?

This isn't the first time they've done this to me. Not only were they installed without my permission, they were also somewhat hidden from me in my Samsung game launcher app. I've owned this phone for about 4 years.


This was an uncomfortable bowel movement. In hindsight I should’ve sat backwards.


Price jump from $2,018 to $7379 after proceeding to Booking page. Same flight/ Same Day costs $2,300 on the official carrier site.


Trying to find my phone

What about it?

Dropped my phone while jogging, trying to locate it using findmydevice...


Was trying to read a news article relating to benefits, and this is what the page opened to. When I scrolled, I could only read 2 lines at a time because of all the ads. I hate news sites that are designed ONLY for desktop browsers, and don't consider that majority of people browse on their phone


Glad I pay for premium just to still see ads apparently. Fuck this.


Google relabeling cross site tracking settings as "Enhanced Ad Privacy" in an attempt to gain tacit approval from users. As a "new" feature, all setting are "on" by default, even if you previously turned off cross-site tracking.


On democrats .com you have to enter private info to hide your private info
