Think about this, the highest court in America answers to no one and in essence is above the law.

What about it?

So what is the Supreme Court.

Read also:

Robert Walter


What's next? Land mines?


Donald Trumps subreddit wants to round up immigrants and kill them on sight


Steven Seagal says the government manufacturers mass shootings... he's also a Putin puppet and sex offender

What about it?


Step right up, Step right up Step right up, Everyone’s a winner, Bargains galore


Donald Trump is a CRIMINAL.


They saw us seeing them seeing us seeing them


So Zeducation and its followers are now posting our profiles.

What about it?

What was that something something about brigading? For context I reported this guy earlier today in whitepeopletwitter for posting some racist and anti-trans crap (that was also not a tweet.)


So much for love of country.

What about it?

It’s just mind boggling how Kemp is still willing to vote for Trump again even after the failed coup attempt and his laundry list of indictments. I’m sure he and his family needs federal protection against the MAGA terrorist but it’s okay with him and he’ll vote him back into office to finish the job of destroying our country.


Economic Terrorism

What about it?

It’s all by design man. The folks who have the loot see that all the global south is going to drown / starve / or get murdered trying to get into western nations. The US will need a slave labour class to keep the 1% feeling they still the 1%. They haven’t done anything about climate because they don’t care. They know that there will always be enough of the citizenry to threaten murder or maiming to ensure some folks will still work for them. It’s why they only want white people here and keep us separated by colour, not class. We need class solidarity or all the manipulated whites will edge out all the brown folks. It’s all by design. They know that whites are less likely to shun other whites over shit. But when they run out of brown people to worry about then it’s time for the white folks who stand with them, the “Libtards”, “queers”, “race traitors”, and of course, “zee Jews” and…eventually anyone who hasn’t been documented wearing a MAGA hat, or at a rally. All at the behest of the bought and paid for mouthpieces in the media, and Congress, local school boards and libraries. Intentionally insulating young folks from developing empathy for oppressed people. “Slavery teaches skills” is indoctrination in an attempt to normalize wage slavery or eventually actual slavery. There are right wing folks who think you should be allowed to sell yourself into slavery….homies, please. They’re actively attempting to eleminate brown folks entering from the south. I mean why else is Texas putting literal buzzsaw pontoon death devices in the Rio Grande. Not just really bad for humans but it will fuck up the environment more. But *shrug*. Normalize killing “invaders” before they’re actually, invaders. Before the floods and fires and famine outweigh the violence and eventually force the real gangs and crime from South and Central America north. Why build the wall? Well because all of those people whose country’s we’ve extracted all resources for profit and kneecapped their economies and prevented from self governing are going to be scaling the wall when it all really starts collapsing. Rather than dying in flames escaping the fall. Like the poor people in Maui, these folks will die throwing themselves onto saw blades attached to floating, spinning beach balls in order for their children to try and make it to the other side of the border. Common rhetoric like “Speak American”, “where are you really from”, “You’re lucky to be here”, “if you don’t like it here leave”, these are class divisive statements. How about “let’s work together to build stronger communities”. How about “help your neighbor”, “do you need a hand with that?”. Let’s normalize solidarity, calling out injustice to our fellow human, if we’re going to come close to surviving in what’s coming, that’s what it’s going to take, robust networks of mutual aid, small councils of knowledgeable folks elected by their constituents with elected members sitting on committees governing smaller geographic areas negotiating with neighboring areas with equitable terms negotiable across distance with fair trade, etc etc. you know. Equitable distribution of some resources. Self governance, rural areas doing what’s best for them as far as resources and urban folks doing what’s best (all within carefully considered sustainability and an agreement to share hardships equally, to the person). This concept shouldn’t be too hard to grasp to anyone who has ever held a door open or said thank you. For some reason folks I grew up with who were treated just as shitty as I was because they were a little different have been getting behind some truly discriminatory, and just downright rude stuff. I’m ranting. I’m concerned. I’m writing dark ass poetry. It’s bleak out here. Naw mean crew? Naw mean?
