Mecca Cityscape, including the Royal Tower Hotel. The 3rd tallest building in the world.

Read also:

Coastal redwoods are a thing to admire


The bottom of an oil rig before it was fixed to the sea bed, 1982


The size of these stars compared to our sun.


Can you dare to do this?


What a reckless pilot to fly that low


The State Opera in munich got me feeling funky


Ocean Atlas in the Bahamas

What about it?

I didn't get a video of this, and i'm sure this isn't a new, but when i saw this a few years ago it scared the hell out of me. this is the largest underwater statue, at abt 5.5 meters (18') it weighs 60 tons.


A television broadcasting tower (the red, white and green colored), in Pécs, hungary

What about it?

You can go up in the tower for the beautiful view.


I was at the fare today and this fkn thing made me very uneasy to be near.

What about it?

it looks smaller in the picture but its almost twice as tall as the building behind it maybe taller.


Best way to add a second supply line to kitchen (for ice maker)?

What about it?

My fridge has a supply line that comes from the basement about 16ft away. Wondering if I can split the line at the kitchen or if I should run two lines and if so what's the best way to do it. Heading to hardware store later today for other stuff and figured I'd get what I need when there. (Picture of where supply line connects in basement.)
