What is the highest possible accuracy?

What about it?

I was playing my girlfriend, sat next to her in the car and managed to mate her in 14 moves and my worst move was a book move but got 99.4% ( which I’m not complaining my usual accuracy is about 50-8. Is it possible to get 100%?

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Why is d1 better than h1?


“The Immaculate Escape” White to play and NOT lose (credit to u/ZaHandoUpYourAss for the og puzzle!


Why does the engine always label hanging checkmate as a mistake instead of a blunder?


help is needed what to do

What about it?

its forced i dont know what to do


A nice mate in 3 I missed

What about it?

White to move


I put the rook in jail


Guess how this game ended


Lost my last 4 games

What about it?

Altho i tend to watch videos and try to learn but am just hopeless . Will you play with me and help me.


First position I've gotten in that feels like it'd make a good puzzle for here


Why does it think this is an inaccuracy?

What about it?

If I take the "free" rook, I can't stop the pawn from promoting. I think avoiding that trap is way better. FWIW, I won the game on time, after stopping the promotion, but probably would have still lost after the rook ran amok.
