Don't qualify for top dasher

What about it?

The only reason I maintain top - or status is for the Ability to work anytime. Supposedly I didn't qualify for top Dasher this month. Ridiculous

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Has anyone noticed that drinks aren’t being included in what shows on the app?

What about it?

Or that the type of drink isn’t specified? I’ve been getting orders where the app lists “xxx meal” but there’s no drink listed even though there’s a drink because it’s a meal. And I had an order for Cane’s (see photo) that just said there was a drink but it didn’t say what kind; so I had to call the customer and ask.


Opportunistic and highly adaptable, the western jackdaw varies its diet markedly depending on available food sources. They have been recorded taking eggs and nestlings from the nests of the skylark, Manx shearwater, razorbill, common murre, grey heron, rock pigeon and Eurasian collared dove


Wild female bonobos have been observed to adopt infants from a different social group. In competitive contexts, when they needed to ensure cooperation, female bonobos preferred to engage in sexual interactions with other females.


Found online while searching for stock images for a website.


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Patchwork back tats

What about it?

How do we feel abt this lol Patchwork back tats Personally I think it’s ugly asf n I don’t like it 🤣🤣


Simplest and favorite shitty tattoo


Y’all want a shitty tattoo?



What about it?

Local small town tattoo artist who thinks they can tattoo anything based on a reference image.


4yo kid drew this on me, said its an alien, and i got it tattoed the very same day
