(Mother) Explanation in body text

What about it?

(15-yo btw) Insurance changed, and so did our doctor. I had to create an account under their online program, with her as my parent. She wanted to view my appointments, which apparently only i could, so i sent her a screenshot of my appointments (directly above these messages). Talked with her irl and explained that the only thing i could see that she couldn’t was the attached screenshot. She wanted my login information (user & pass, which i use for other socials with slight variations) and i said no, find another way, and/or just ask me. She got mad, and demanded my information. Caved in and gave it to her, but in the middle of giving it to her, she discovered she can “request access” to my account and see everything as i could, because she is a parent. I told her to just do that, which she did. Asked if i could go, she said yes, so i left. 40-50 minutes later im laying in bed and check my texts, to see the attached screenshot. I go down and ask her what she’s talking about and she says “if you want anonymity and to hide secrets you can pay your own bills” (15 & jobless in USA). Get into an argument and find out she’s mad that she doesn’t have my info and thinks im hiding things from her…??? I tell her that she requested access to my account and would get it in 3 days, as the site said. She (for some reason) was mad she didn’t have it now and kept demanding i give her my login. 15m or so of arguing my point and i give her my login. Said i was still gonna have to pay for my portion of bills and accused me of hiding secrets. Mentioned some things about government turning kids trans under her breath (im ironically trans in the closet, unrelated but made me less willing to give her the login) What is she on abt??? Advice? And yes, she has a personal grudge against my nails and said she would stop bringing me to school etc if I didn’t keep them without white.

Read also:

The new wave of homeschooled kids is going to be so unprepared for the real world.


I feel bad for the homeschooled children who will be uneducated.

What about it?

Who tf shares this stuff on their Facebook.


My mom accidentally said “Happy Mother’s Day” to me on my birthday. She posted this martyr rant on her Facebook too.


Losing my phone or losing my mind?

What about it?

The only reason I agreed to share my location with her was so she could STOP constantly asking me where I am. I’m at the smoke pit at work… what do you think I’m doing?🤔 anyone else have a parent that acts like a parole officer?


My Mother’s Response to Going No Contact

What about it?

For context, my father is in prison for molesting me. She still denies that I was abused and insists I get a great childhood. She wanted to have a better relationship with me, so she volunteered to watch my daughter once a week. Then she decided she needed a roommate. I asked her to not get a male roommate because I worry about my child being molested. She acted all offended that I would worry about such a thing. I got really upset. My husband and I decided to go NC with her after taking to our therapist. My mom’s response was basically “Lol. Guess I get to sleep in!”


Not my parent but my fifth grade teacher


Mother being transphobic


My mother manipulated me for years btw 🙃 (she deadnamed me even tho I told her mu new name and pronouns btw, she even said 'Oh okay I can call you that!') (hopefully this counts lol)


He keeps sending me QAnon videos that don't make sense and saying they're "eye opening"


Mom forgot my birthday

What about it?

That alone doesn’t make her insane, but it’s a pattern of neglect. In 2001, for example, when I was 19, I moved out to live with her because my life was falling apart. I was reaching out for help, and willing to go to therapy or whatever I could to improve my life. After a grueling drive half way across the country, I arrived almost broke, and because I had no money that I spent mostly on the trip, she put me in a homeless shelter. My last text from her is when I texted her on Mothers Day.
