my cat going goblin mode

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Dad criticizes me for how I play with the cats

What about it?

I 22f have autism (late diagnosis but it explains a lot) i have a slightly difficult time gauging strength but I do really well with my strength gauge when pets are involved, I play with 3 out of 4 cats (4th one likes to exist with us but not be bothered) a little rough, not too rough, like I’ll softly press on their sides and they’ll plop over and rub their heads around on the carpet and roll between each of their sides, or I rub their bellies (they like it) a little fast and about as rough as a baby grabbing a finger (sorry for a lot of examples trying to paint a picture) well I played like that with one of the cats that likes slightly rougher play, she meowed at me but not a pain one like a very playful meow, my dad took that as I hurt her and proceeded to criticize and berate me about how I play with them and “it’s no wonder the cats are afraid of you, you harass and hurt them!” For more context none of the cats are afraid of me at all, the 4th cat just isn’t a huge people cat and attached to my mom and doesn’t want any other human to touch and play with her but my mom 4th cat will stare you down and then walk away if you get -too- close (again not fear just prefers my mom more than me or dad) 3 cats loves that kind of play and even come running back to me for more playing in between their little zoomies session. I feel like sh*t not because of the way I play with the cats but cause of the things my dad criticized and berated me for when it came to play time with the cats. (Photo is my baby gorl nova)


Wasn’t working hard enough for Cats With Jobs, what do you think?


How it started vs how its going


Spot the cat

What about it?

On vacation in greece, meteora monastery


Baby on board


Options for giving him pills - what does everyone think?

What about it?

Photo of the very cute cat (Tiggs) for attention. He has what the vet thinks is asthma and we are starting him on Prednisolone while we wait for test results to come in. He's a foster cat and we know very little about him - his owner passed away so no idea if he has previously been diagnosed. He is a very fussy eater and the only treats he likes are the crunchy ones, so I can't get a pill in them. He has turned his nose up at pill poppers and cheese, and he removed it from his wet food. The vet isn't keen for me to crush it up, and he's still pretty skittish so I don't think I can give it to him manually - plus he is my first cat, so I have no idea what I am doing. He has a tendency to nip when he is annoyed as well. It did look like the pill started dissolving in the gravy of his wet food, and the one thing I can be certain of is that he will always lick up all the gravy. Can anyone foresee any problems with me putting his food in a pot in the fridge overnight and seeing if the pill dissolves in it please?


Show me what your cat does while you're on the toilet

What about it?

Mine always waits for me to finish in the sink


My nap buddy


Stare stair illusion
