I offered my opponent a draw because we were pretty much at a standstill. He refused thinking he could beat me by time. He should have accepted the draw…

What about it?

For clarification, we spent 15+ turns of me putting him in check while he danced around the repetition, I assume to beat me by time. I offered the draw because we were getting no where. All it takes is one blunder.

Read also:

Chess.com's rating prediction makes no sense

What about it?

For context, this was a 700-rated person I just played against in a 5-minute blitz game. How was the rating so high? Link: https://www.chess.com/live/game/81484144170


Hardest 2000 ELO puzzle I’ve ever gotten


Is this a red brilliant?


Why is this a mistake?

What about it?

White to play, capitalize on blacks mistake and secure a crushing advantage.


Black M3 I missed from one of my blitz games.


Flagged with mate in 1 on the board 🥲 I'm furious


Why is this brilliant?

What about it?

I’m just defending the pawn for a pawn push. I don’t see why that’s hard to find. As I’m writing this post I realized that I left my knight hanging 💀 I guess the pawn push is a bigger threat than the knight on the board.


black to move (what to move in this situation ) i lost the match after making a bad move , e4


First blitz game


Shouldn't my king be able to take the knight if the pawn is pinned to the king
