Jo Rugman on a cross-country riding course in Gloucestershire, England in March 2011. At the next jump, the horse clipped the top of the fence and fell on top of her, killing her.

Read also:

Last images of Reuters journalists Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen and other civilians who were gunned down by a US military helicopter in Iraq

What about it?

Initially the US military said that all the dead were insurgents. Then it claimed the helicopters reacted to an active firefight. The footage of the video was given to Wikileaks by Chelsea Manning (then Bradley). The US is still attempting to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange ostensibly for releasing this video revealing US war crimes.


The last image I have of my grandmother. She died of a sudden heart attack in May 2016. I was on vacation at the time. My only regret in life is going on that vacation and never getting to say goodbye. I miss you so and I wish you could see how much your youngest grandson has grown.


My friend Adam sings karaoke 3 days before he died by suicide on 7/23/23. He was 37. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.

What about it?

To whoever needs to hear this: you matter. No situation is worth ending your life over. If you are struggling, please get help - not just for yourself, but for everyone who loves and cares about you.


"Family Matters" Star Michelle Thomas at The Blade Premiere August 1998. She Died on December 23, 1998 From Stomach Cancer. She Was 30 Years Old


Last image of my good friend Jodie, she passed away about 15 hours later.

What about it?

She was in hospice at home when I took this. She had lived a rough life (insanely smart) and it just took its toll on her heart. To live she would have needed a transplant and to even be considered you need to have been sober 6 months and her heart was shot. It was crazy bc she was laughing and funny and talking it was hard to believe she was dying. She passed away the next morning.


My Uncle was like a father to me after my Dad died 20 years ago. He biked constantly to stay healthy. In a horrible irony he was hit by a semi truck while biking, with safety helmet and all. He was taken off life support today and passed.


One of the last pictures of Elizabeth Short, aka the Black Dahlia, before her disappearance on 9th January 1947. her body would be found on the 15th.


Some of the final footage of Debbie Reynolds before her death from a stroke at 84


Last ride of mobilized Russian invaders before kamikaze drone strike


Trevor Moore (left) from the 'Whitest Kids U Know' signing off on his show Newsboyz just 2 hours before his death on August 7, 2021.
