The last photo I have of my Mom. It was July 4th, 2022 at my Grandmas house. She would be gone August 6th, 2022 of metastatic pancreatic biliary cancer which spread to her liver, lungs, and bones.

What about it?

No one knew she was sick. All she complained about was a sore shoulder and had a cough. The cough had been there since about March and the doctor wrote off as seasonal allergies. The shoulder since late June and just thought she overdid it at the YMCA since she was very active. Did yoga, water volleyball, zumba, "old lady" lifting we called it (LOL) and always on the go. It wasn't until she got an MRI for the shoulder on July 10th and results read on July 15th at her PCP that they noticed something in her chest. So they did a chest xray. It was a mess. The pain in her shoulder was actually the bone cancer that spread to her ribs. She immediately started seeing an oncologist, hematologist, all types of specialist to see what they were working with but she was too advanced. August 1st, she had to be admitted to the hospital due to difficulty breathing. My dad never left her side. He slept in his car overnight until they allowed him to stay with her. The morning of August 6th, they said that they have done all they could do. Maxed out every resource, medicine, machine, you name it. They had nothing left. At 9:26am, she decided it was enough. Hindsight is always 20/20 but I am grateful I had her as long as I did. I miss her everyday but it gets less hard as the days go on.

Read also:

Last image of flight attendant Kristina Raspopova killed in the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's private jet on August 23, 2023


Rest in Peace Bray Wyatt who passed away today. Here is his last appearance in WWE on February 24. Gone way too soon


My Gramma about 2 months before she passed away. She had kidney disease and COPD. She was my favorite person in the world and I miss her everyday


That '70s Show' star Lisa Robin Kelly in 2012. Kelly died on August 15, 2013 days After checking into Rehab. Cause of Death Was Combined drug intoxication. She was 43 Years Old


My grandfather was the kindest, funniest and most loving human I’ve ever met. He was my best friend and I miss him terribly everyday. Love you always Pop.


My mom, the radical nurse who helped kids avoid Vietnam in the 60's. The retired Lt. Col. The ER nurse. The most amazing woman I've ever known. She could talk history, philosophy, medicine, physics, could converse in Latin. She was also kind, heartbreakingly kind. DM me if you want hacks for draft.


Last picture of 15 year old Gary Slok and his mother Petra onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, three hours later the plane would be shot down by russian separatists over Ukraine, killing all 298 onboard


Last known phote of Sophie Sergie, a 20-year-old University of Alaska at Fairbanks student who was murdered in 1993. This photo was taken hours before her death.


Last *currently known* photo of my younger brother, taken by an accidental gunshot wound two weeks ago.


Last public image of singer Karen Carpenter at the 25th anniversary of the Grammy Award, 11 January 1983. She would die on 4th February that year of heart failure. She was 32.
