Accidental gang tat at 19

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This was my first tat from flash at a “Friday the 13th” tattoo event. All the tattoos had a 13 in them. Fast forward ten years and I’m working as a nurse at a federal detention center. They are showing us examples of gang tattoos to look out for and I came across one that looked scarily similar to mine. Luckily this shitty tattoo is on my hip so there was no chance of being seen by anyone.

Read also:

Artist honestly said it just needed colouring


Getting this cleaned up tonight after almost a year




Ft. My dads 30+(?) tattoo

What about it?

His reasoning for this is; well, no one else has a drunk mouse tattoo!!


Welcome to Ireland


Family Guy And Vacuum Demon?


I heard you guys don't hold back, got it when i was 19, took it from some random painter painting.

What about it?

i don't even remember the artist. tattoo is 6yrs old.


Need to cover this trashy 16/yo tattoo

What about it?

I know panthers are nice, but dont want to shave half of my face for a cover up xD


I’m sorry I can’t be… Perfecttt


Just wanted to throw this masterpiece in here.

What about it?

I'd be rich if I got a dollar everytime someone asked me if it's a pen mark.
