My brother passed away 2 days ago. Can someone please remove his GF & add a nice background? He may need to be flipped in the photo to look more natural. Will tip best one 🙏 Thank you 💜

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Make my lil homie the Statue of Liberty?? I got 5 bones for the one


10# for HELP I need someone to make a flyer with the pull off number tabs on bottom for the best chimpanzee noise for a prize of 100$ best impersonations. Contest goes on until Dec. 15th with the number 561-543-9991.


Can someone please just isolate the tree? Can't tip but will be happy to send you the finished product once completed.


Can someone please smooth this old photo of my dad and maybe color it? Will tip $10


Please edit this into a professional- quality headshot for my friend. She wants a new background and to be wearing a blazer. Will tip the best


My Father in Law is 91 in September and we’d like to get this photo printed and framed for him, he is under 1 in the photo. Can someone sharpen the image so when it’s printed larger it looks clearer? Not sure if my terminology is correct. Happy to tip/pay. Thank you


Can someone make this photo looks more natural (cat was tough to be chill) with a better background? Will happily tip the best one!


Need mattress protector removed to show minor stain on mattress - pay $10


Can someone please replace the guy on the far right, I know it might be tricky cause he takes up a lot of the photo but you can replace him with whatever you want as long as it looks good and real. Sorry if this is a big ask 😂


Can someone please remove the sunglasses from my head so I can use this for work/LinkedIn? (background and clean up of quality optional). Will tip $15. Thanks!
