High King Turgon of Gondolin - Artwork by Me

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Tolkien book collectors, do you read the nicer more expensive hard cover books or do you keep them as collectors items?

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I want to buy this hard cover release of The Silmarillion, but it seems like too nice of a book to handle and crease etc. Plus large hard cover books seem more cumbersome to read. So should I buy it as a display piece only and just buy a cheap paperback version to read? Or should I read this one? What do you guys do who own nicer versions of lotr books?


Hot take? I really like all of the extra stuff Peter Jackson added to The Hobbit.

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I just finished reading The Hobbi and thinking about all the differences in the film and movies. And I gotta say I really appreciate the filler stuff, and honestly I don't mind that it's in 3 parts. Just 3 more feature length films of the lord of the rings world. And I even love the extended edition of those too. It works really well in film format. You actually get to see Gandalfs urgent matters and such.


Man, The Hobbit 1977 really did Thranduil dirty lmao

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Elven Lord Elrond compared to Elven King Thranduil


Recently got back into reading with asoiaf and heard a lot of good things about Tolkien. I figured I’d buy all the middle earth stuff and read through it. Chronologically how should I read these and what am I missing?


Think these two clozee sets would be the exact same?

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Two shows in two days. Same venue. Same openers for both shows. It's probably the same set for both nights I'm guessing. Right? Or think one would be primarily focused on her new album microworlds and the other one is experimental or whatever.


This may sound silly but..

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Can a music festival really be a ritual to open the portal to your soul and take your energy? If the music is played at a certain frequency, minds are already high and open, extreme visuals and repeated nuances. Does it sound ritualistic or is it just me? I want to go to one so bad, but am afraid of how my energy body will handle it. Again, this may sound crazy but just what if?


Thank you!

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Shoutout to the girl that gave me this bracelet and taught me what PLUR is. Went to my first rave yesterday (solo) and had a blast. Everybody was super friendly, but I came sleep deprived and was feeling it towards the end of the show. Great experience 10/10 recommend


Techno train Nurenberg Germany

What about it?

Where can I buy tickets? Google isn't bringing up any ticket sale sites at all.


Pro-raver tip: if the bathroom at the function is this weird.. it's going to be a great time

What about it?

I just walked in here and had to take a picture so I could appreciate it forever


Met Saymyname in Hawaii
