“We can uplift the struggle of the Palestinian people without minimizing the people of East Palestine, Ohio.” - Nina Turner

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"I voted against the bloated $900 billion Pentagon budget this week because it is long past time to fundamentally change our national priorities." - Bernie Sanders


Bidenomics is working. 5 million more jobs above pre pandemic. Inflation better than any other developed country.


And this was just the rent for these years


"No one should be in debt for going to school. No one should be in debt for going to the doctor. No one should be in debt for taking a life-saving medication." - Nina Turner



What about it?

Register to vote: https://vote.gov Link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/nlrb-says-companies-union-bust-201300164.html


Private prison admits why they are against legalization


Emmett Till was a black child tortured and lynched by white supremacists in Mississippi on this day in 1955, at 14 years old. His killers sold the story of how they murdered him for $4,000 after being acquitted by an all-white jury.


On this day in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave the "I Have a Dream" speech to over 250,000 civil rights protesters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in Washington D.C.


C. Wright Mills, born on this day in 1916, was an American sociologist who coined the term "New Left" and authored influential texts on social inequality and the ruling class such as "The Power Elite" (1956).


"Bernie transformed our politics. He reminded millions of Americans that politics doesn’t have to be about corporate power games—it can be about improving our lives and coming together to build a better world."
