
Cupcakes my wife bought.

Read also:

Mildly dissatisfied with my current cellphone provider


How long do I have to wait now?


My toilet paper wasn't cut the whole way through


Looked up “old” in the emoji search while texting

Infuriating because I am not old but apparently pagers, floppy discs, and videotapes are!


Got charged for supplying my own part...


I hate my high school


When leaving lunch to go back to the office………

Went to get in to my 200 to head back to the office after grabbing lunch and found this. Dad keeps a cane in my car incase we go somewhere in this instead of his van and used that to put the car into neutral and coast it out of this spot from the passenger seat so I could get in.


This guy who wants to hide he has herpes from his new partner


Wrongful Parking Ticket and They Still Tried to Blame Me

This happened about a year ago but it still mildly infuriates me. I paid for parking downtown, (probably one of only 3 times in my life that I’ve actually paid lol) and then noticed I received a ticket anyway when I got back to my car. I was confused until I saw that the license plate number that the guy had entered was off, he entered one of the numbers as an 8 when it’s actually a 9, and then he wrote me a ticket. The funniest part is that they literally added a picture of my car and you could clearly see in the picture that license plate number was different from the one on the ticket. I sent emails and receipts with the correct license plate number and called a few times until finally, AFTER 4 MONTHS of disputing the ticket, I get this email. Unreal.


Please tip because we don’t pay people enough
