Art Deco screen in one of the doors to the Galerías Canalejas Food Hall at the Canalejas building in calle de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain, 1936 [1080x424] [OC]

Read also:

Cat netsuke, made by Natsuki (夏木), late 18th century Japan [798 x 1000]


"All Is Vanity" by the American illustrator Charles Allan Gilbert, made in 1892 CE. The drawing employs a double image (or visual pun) in which the scene of a woman admiring herself in a mirror of her vanity table, when viewed from a distance, appears to be a human skull [1600x2438]


The Crooked House of Windsor is the oldest teahouse in England. Originally built in 1687, the building was reconstructed in 1718 [1030x1408]


Built on the site of a Roman temple to the water nymphs, Ninfa in Italy grew into a thriving medieval town of 150 houses. In 1382, it was sacked during the Papal Schism, and a malaria outbreak in the 17th century left it a ghost town. It's now a public garden with over 1300 plant species [1424x1908]


Bronze head from a cult statue of the Armenian goddess Anahit (Anahita) – Hellenistic Greek, 1st century BC. Found at the ancient city of Satala, modern Sadak, north-eastern Turkey. [1197x991]


Recently discovered Maya-Toltec piece from Chichén Itzá. Found by INAH archeologists, august 2023; 35x17 inches. Possibly late post classic. 800-1200 A.D. [5121x6000].


Copper crown from the Cave of the Treasure. Judean Desert, Israel, chalcolithic period, 4500-3500 BCE. Israel museum, nr. 1961-177 [2048 x 1365]


The Anatomical Theatre of Padua in Northern Italy, is the first permanent anatomical theatre in the world. Still preserved in the Palazzo del Bo, it was inaugurated in 1595 and during lectures, around 250 students and professors observed the dissection of human cadavers [800x533]


A bat-shaped night light, circa 1930, now housed at the Musée Le Secq des Tournelles in France [1280x1159]


Three jade ritual blades. China, Shang dynasty, 1250-1050 BC [1600x1500]
