I'm neutral about the One Piece live-action but I find this horrifying.

Read also:

Walked outside to see what the dog was barking at

I let the dog out go potty before bed….a few minutes later he was barking at something out back. It was one of your cows, but the dog never minds or barks at the cows! Maybe because it was nighttime


Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for.


There’s some crazy looking stuff in the ocean


This photo I took while working

My job is to check that the Electrical network of most buildings in Rome is properly done. The main equipments are usually installed in the lower levels of the buildings. This one definetly had an horror vibe, and being there was kinda terrifying..


This thing was growing next to my potted plant


I was doing demo on a house and saw what I think is a mouse skeleton between the wall and flooring.

I wonder if it got stuck and died or if it died prior to ending up there


He tries to convince everyone that this isn't someone deceased, but only a carpet - hmmmmmm ....


Update: tonight at 3am, dog is no longer barking….


This normal looking tree


Real chicken claw as a car decoration
