Pins are not the end of the world, white to play

Read also:

White to move and win

Thought I was winning a pawn with rook c2, but white has an incredible resource that gives a completely winning position to white.


Best approach for pawn fences?

I’ve found myself in this position a few times and am never really sure the best approach. The engine basically wants me to throw my knights at the points of the fence and let them go. Is that really the best approach? (There may be a more formal term for this, but I don’t know it.)


Queen sacrifice

It worked but what could go wrong?


Almost blundered mate in 1 to the sniper bishop


Why blunder?

I win from this move


Pc screen glitching any fix need help


Help with aio

7700 with 360 running incredibly hot. Just finished build, liquid freezer ii 360 with ryzen 7 7700x. Just on basic tasks on desktop it's running constant 80c. Bought all parts new, got delivered few days ago. The AIO came with mx-5 paste which was weird, is it possible it could be some old stock with the fault and the plate is gunked up and thus high temps? This is my first AIO build so i was cautious installing and redid it because i accidentally used wrong mounting holes first and then corrected to am5 holes, so it should be properly offset mounted now. Thermal paste application was fine the first time, just added some more in the middle for the corrected remount.


Finally got a new keyboard (plus a deskpad…..


In regards to the post taking Dan's quote out of context. The response from Dan having 1/10 the amount of traction as the post quoting him is kind of wild, so just wanted to throw his response out there for anyone who missed it.


Finally broke

After going 30k miles around the world, It finally broke.. I now want my new ones lol
