Grover Kranz's dog was a wolf.

Read also:

a stack of rocks (no mortar)


Latest Webb telescope image shows the grand-design spiral galaxy


now that's smart & creative


On the island of of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Neptune stands ominiously in the Ocean


The underwater geology of the Hawaiian Islands is just amazing! The archipelago actually has the world’s tallest mountain from base to summit!


When you see what the first Pizza Hut looked like, the name starts to make more sense.


Out of the blue I get my notifications in Spanish now

Should I get Rosetta Stone? First the god damn notification sound doesn’t turn off no matter what I do and now it’s talking in Spanish to me.


10.50 as the automatic preset tip for a $34 meal ???? im confused


How are my stats? First month.


I don't think this is remotely fair or ethical

I think this is genuinely shameful of doordash and I'm not sure how to deal with this, even if I can get a refund I have several issues with this. Why is it even allowed that doordash can find a different card on the account to use it for a separate purchase? I explicitly removed this card from the payment methods in the app for the doordash subscription (i don't even use this card for my doordash orders either, I use a different payment method so its surely not pulling my card info from an active current order, so where is it pulling my card info from?) and they have decided to keep it as a payment option anyway. This also didn't notify me until today, 1 day and 1 month after this happened, with it only notifying me of the first time this is happening when it is happening a second time as of yesterday (pending charges). So now I am being charged yet another month on this card, before even finding out that they had decided without my permission to charge an entirely separate card. It's not much and I can still get use out of it so its not a big deal, I just feel this is a serious breach of trust and potentially even privacy.
