"Hey, it was only $5. What did you expect, lobster?"

Read also:

Kevin’s chili

Even though I’ve never spilled a huge pot of chili on the floor(knock on wood), I could totally relate to the panic Kevin was going through in my life. Anyone else?


That would do it


A must have at an office theme wedding 😂


How a horse became a doctor and drove a car, I'll never know.


To those who say Michael is never nice to Toby, I raise you my Michael & Toby moment


Haunted house in the warehouse

Hey community! I was watching a video from Comedy Bites on YT (Halloween at Dunder Mifflin) and I saw a particular scene that I’d never seen before. Basically the crew sets up a Haunted house in the warehouse and everybody wears a costume, then a bunch of kids go through it in a small car pushed by Darryl. Is this a deleted episode or something? On a side note, I hate that Jim is always so reluctant to wear a costume.


What is Creed buying for his nephews?


Remember Date Mike?

I don’t think Date Mike gets enough hate. I forgot how rough this episode is.


Pam kinda always sucked tbh lol


Paul Lieberstein (Toby) writing Stress Relief (Michael's Roast) episode be like.
