This email from Trip Advisor not allowing you to unsubscribe from marketing emails on mobile when clicking the unsubscribe button and instead taking you to another page when clicked

Read also:

Verizon makes it exceptionally difficult to return unwanted equipment

1. Verzon sends me stuff I don't want or ask for. 2. Verizon bills me for that stuff. 3. When I go to return the stuff at a Verizon store, they say I need an appointment and to use a map online to make one. 4. The map online consists of a very thin strip between my keyboard and a massive search box with an add. Neither of these elements are dismissible. 5. I cannot create an appointment, and thus must continue to pay for their shitty hardware.


Airline puts newsletter registration where you would expect a "Remember me" or "Accept privacy policy" checkbox


From the creators of tiny x comes no x


What the fuck is this, then?

image has an ad the covers almost the entire name box


Airlines that already don’t have enough legroom allow seats to recline….


This ad for a competitor appeared in my Sudoku app


I have to buy a game on Steam every year to sell my OWN items...


I couldn't take a picture because I was driving. This sign was spotted on the 405N freeway (recreation).


Malwarebytes creepily keeps turning on the setting to share usage statistics, even though I disable it...
