ID on this spider? Hard to see in photo but it looked mostly reddish brown in color.

Read also:

Flea? Or the dreaded bug?

This is the worst photo ever tbh but even if nobody can identify it, what are the chances there’s a flea in my room without any pets? Or could it be a bed bug? I have never had bed bugs before so I don’t know how they act or how to even deal with them. It jumped onto my arm and was rotating like it was looking around then I grabbed it and pinched it as hard as I could because I know fleas need to be pinched! I’m sorry for the bad photo as well.


Found in my bathroom

i live in the PNW, USA. this bug is really tiny, probably 1cm long at most. he’s brown & looks spiky? i’m guessing it’s some sort of larvae??


Bite question

Hey y'all. Mostly I'm wondering when to be seriously concerned. I got this about two days ago and I thought it was poison. It feels like poison I've had in the past. Annoyingly itchy but not overly painful. I'm debating sitting in line at an urgent care but that sounds like a terrible day. What do you think? I don't have any other allergic symptoms like trouble breathing or any of that stuff. I read online that those are immediately concerning symptoms. Thanks for the help!


Is this friend?


What are these bugs that are suddenly all over my yard?

Saskatchewan, Canada


East Texas😩😩😩



Found in New Brunswick, Canada

It has like white spots on its back. What the heck is this ???


Flea beetle??

I’m pretty sure it’s a flea beetle but can someone explain why dozens of these little guys swarm at my front door? And I mean several dozens! They’ll be on my screen door and front door and even make it inside and I cannot figure out why.


Found this at school


This guy was chilling on the side of my house and I was curious as to what it is?
