Found in WNY

These two guys are on my mom's screen in Western New York, not sure what they are.

Read also:

Is this a parasite in my stool ?been having diarrhea for a week

Parasite or mucus ? Looks like a parasite to me due to that form


Who is this little guy? Some of my biology classmates found him while we were outside

My teacher said we don’t have to know the species to complete the assignment, but I really want to know what species of bug this is! I appreciate the help!!!


Yeah... This gives me the creeps

Found it on Brazil MG


Can you help me identify this wormy fellow on my ceiling? Featuring professional artist rendition

About an inch long and moved sort of like a caterpillar. I couldn’t see any legs along the side like a house centipede. The most notable feature was the antennae that were fanned at the end and constantly moving. I’m in coastal New England if that’s helpful.


Please help me identify this spider

Several of them under my window. UK


What bug is this?

Hello, found this on my stove top. Very tiny , but worries cause it looks like a baby cockroach possibly and I’ve found dead tiny ones before. Any idea what is is, thanks .


Lower Michigan, zone 6a


Any idea what these eggs are?

Found on the side of my camper in southern Michigan.


Who is this hungry fella?

Showed up this morning after the heavy rain, some kind of orb weaver ? (Durham, NC)


Sleeping dragon?
