Can someone help blend this in better? My friend went to an event and a booth there put her in one of her favorite shows, but they aren’t as good as the people here. (Unable to tip currently, just asking for a gift for a friend) Thanks in advance!

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Can someone put my buddy's boss into a precarious situation?


can anyone please unblur this photo? willing to tip.


My grandparents were part of the Black 14 protest in Wyoming in 1969. This is the only photo of the protest including them that exists. I’d love it to be more clear/sharp/less grainy if all possible. (Willing to tip). Thanks!


Can someone help me make hot rod into a festival totem?


Can someone remove the bag from his hands Trying to make a cool pic for him but need the bag gone thank you for looking


Could someone please remove this water bottle? Will tip $5. Thank you in advance.


Star Trek Anniversary Gift. It would be nice to see them on the enterprise, maybe with some of classic actors $10-$20


Is it possible to enchance the qualities in this “old” photo and make it nicer? Make it ‘more instagramable’ ? I love the photo but feels a bit dull.


The background is a little boring here. Will you spice it up? Extra points for comedy.


Is it possible to modify this picture so there are fewer "dots" but have a decent level of detail where it is still recognizable? Pixelate and blur at too high a level solves the dot problem but makes the picture unrecognizable. Looking for alternative.
