Hundreds of comments with no explanation, I guess I’m the R??

Read also:

Petah I don't get it, 10 gallon hat? Does that have something to do with the shower?


Im sure the answer is on the tip of my tongue, just don't know the context.


Facebook meme someone in a group chat was asking about. Idk either.


what has community game to do with this?


Petah what are they?


me irl


I miss when Call Of Duty made you feel like you were in a war and not fighting drug cartels like the recent games.


Recovered a pic of my old cat (jack, 16 before passing)


The love of my life Ike (14) is sick, and I'm so scared of losing her

I love you more than life itself my beloved kitty. You are everything to me. Please stay with me forever.


Marbles is 12 and scared the hell out of me yesterday.

A few days ago, on one of the advice subs, someone posted a video of their cat breathing heavily and meowing. Everyone in the comments said it was a urinary issue. What luck that I saw that post because yesterday was insane! He went from normal, playing, eating, to in an emergency in like, and hour and actually led me to his litterbox to show me how he was straining to go. I was leaving for work when he stopped me to show me that so, thinking he was constipated i asked my husband to keep an eye on him within the next 10 minutes, things quickly got worse. When the audible heavy breathing and panting started, along with the most pitiful meows and then a scream when I picked him up, I called the vet and got in. I really owe my vet one for taking us in an hours notice. Picking him up to put him in the carrier must have forced the blockage out because he peed all over me and the living room. So. Much. Pee. He seemed to be feeling better by the time we got to the vets. They gave us some meds and ran some tests and we went home. Well I shouldn't have trusted when they said his bladder was empty. He peed so much in his carrier, half his body was literally drenched in it when we got home. I had to wring his tail out! Then he pooped on me while I was burritoing him in a towel after the bath. I could tell he was embarrassed, he slept the rest of the day and night. But now he seems fine and I'm just thankful I saw that post a few days back! This morning he woke up purring and happy like any other morning. He peed and he pooped in the litterbox. My God am I relieved. I'm not ready to say goodbye to this good boy just yet.
