They have a very superior jeans.

Read also:

Harrison Floyd, the leader of Black Voices for Trump, previously ran an ad threatening violence against Democrats and assaulted an FBI agent serving a subpoena in his case...




Bomb Threat Reported At The Fulton County Courthouse


I saw these for Trumps arrival yesterday. It really is scary and funny.

So the website leads to another merch site which is kinda of funny since how gullible these people are dont even realize they are being coaxed into madness for profit. The scary part is there are individuals who identify with this so much they printed a flag to drive down here just to intimidate people. like for some, this is just profit, probably even Trump running this in some form. But for most of his cultists, you can read the description on their about me... they are saying its okay to hurt non trumpers because they are savages pretty much. The people actually see other humans as less than human just for not thinking Trump is the second coming.... when in this frame, you can see how easy it was for them to be convinced other cultures, bad.


And who exactly are the terrorists again?


A reminder that Republicans play with fire purposely: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords lays in a hospital bed after being shot in the head by Jared Lee Loughner during the Tuscon shooting on January 8, 2011, where 6 were killed and 14 others were injured.


It's time to take these threats of violence seriously. We are in a vulnerable condition.

TLR these threats are not political hyperbole covered by the 1A. They are terrorist threats and you can help stop this, change the course we're on. Scroll to the bottom to find out how. I don't want the US to become a terrorist's paradise and you don't either. As demonstrated by the title and interest of this sub, if you are reading this, you are probably already aware of the association between the US Republican party and the potential for violence. I've seen a wide variety of responses to the increasing trends towards violence and terrorism from the right in this sub, both threatened and carried out. Among the responses I have seen here, What I have not seen is an concerted, focused effort at prevention. Every single one of you has the ability to help prevent violence and terrorism, you can help stop these violent threats from becoming reality. The right wing claims they are persecuted for things they say. The right wing claims their first amendment is being violated. They continue to threaten the prosperity of the US, the peace we have within our borders and the lives of American citizens. The violent rhetoric I see too often is not acceptable, there's no excuse for it and I've had enough. This is all being done under the guise of political speech. This is wrong and it's given them the false confidence to continue to be more vocal in their threats. This has gone on for too long. The potential for a serious terrorist incident happening is very high and it can happen soon. It may even directly affect you or someone you love. Sarah Palin's call for violence and civil war was the last straw for me, and it should be the last straw for all freedom loving, peaceful Americans. This kind of speech is not acceptable, it is not covered by the first amendment and it absolutely is a threat to life and freedom. LEAs, DAs, public safety officials and elected representatives are not special, they do not have superpowers and they are not extraordinarily heroic. They need the public to pressure them into doing the right thing. This is where you come in. You have the power to stop this. You can do something. All it takes is a little percerverance, a couple minutes and a belief that you can help make things better. This is what you can do. Contact your House Representative: Contact your Senator: Be specific in your concerns, provide links to the violent threats. Contact the FBI: Give them the who what where when how and why. Again, be specific in your concerns. Contact the Department of Homeland Security: This will walk you through the steps on how to report these threats. Many states also have methods of reporting these crimes. Just do a Google on "report terrorism threats (insert your state here) Please, this is an urgent plea for you to do something, don't convince yourself it isn't worth your time or that nothing will come of it. If we don't do anything, then nothing will change.


Dangerous rhetoric from woman who claims she can see Russia from her house.


Trump's expression in his mugshot is exactly the same as Hitler's on the cover of Mein Kampf


Smith made threatening phone calls to Democratic Senator Tester’s office. The voicemails included threats to “rip your head off” and were laced with profanity.
