What kind of fly is this and how do I get rid of them?

We don’t keep any produce out or dirty dishes in the sink. They seem very interested in the humans in the house and aren’t attracted to a apple cider vinegar trap. There are suddenly at least ten. This is the best picture I could manage.

Read also:

Sardinia (Southern Italy) - Huge white... worms (?) in compost


What bug makes this kind of home, inside insulation near a leaky roof?


What is this fly (Maryland)?


Anybody know what kind of spider this is? Friend says brown recluse, I say no

Seen in Orlando, Florida today. Unfortunately don’t have any better pictures because this is actually an ID for a friend


what is this guy


Found on a LTC patient...


Dive Bombers from the Ceiling

These guys keep falling down on me from above at work. I'm wondering what the heck they are and why they seem to like to fall from high places so much.


Who are you and who are you working for? Northern Midwest.


Can anyone please help identify this spider? Found in northern Colorado.

Sorry for the blurry photo, I didn't want to get closer. It was about 1.25 inches in diameter with those long legs and found in a high traffic doorway.


These just appeared in my kitchen. Any idea?

These guys suddenly appeared en mass in front of my sink.
