What lives in my pond?

Hi Reddit, does somebody know what this is? Lives in my Little Garden Pond. No legs or so, and it breath air on the surface i think. Location is south Germany.

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What’s this colorful fella?

Columbus, OH


Saw these guys on a tree in a central Mexican jungle. The guide said they were very painful to touch. They also sort of vibrated. Can’t seem to find an ID anywhere


North Dakota (super northern part) caterpillar?


This is the prettiest butterfly I’ve seen in the wild (north Georgia, USA)

What variety of butterfly is this beauty? Any way to tell if it’s M or F?


Found in UK, what in the holy hell is this


My brother suddenly found a lot of this bug in his house but we don't know where it could be from

It's really small and they're mostly centred around the kitchen. We want to know what they could be so we can get rid of them easier


What species of spider itms this I caught in my bathroom? (Location Central Valley California)


What this is? Found inside home in UK, very tiny, phone on 6.6x zoom to get the detail! Found on laminate floor and wood furniture including kitchen counter tops


Is this a tawny roach nymph? Sometimes adults fly into my apartment but I’ve never seen one like this.


what kind of ant is this? I've never seen one with a head this big. It's about half an inch long and picture is taken in Wisconsin
