At my wits end with a smelly dog

My dog is half Frenchie and half American bully, but looks fully like a bully so I’m assuming has the problems that come along with them. Recently he has started to smell so bad. Even after being groomed he immediately smells. The room that he sleeps in reeks and when I wash everything, it smells again the next day. I wash all his toys and bedding frequently but it doesn’t help. It smells mostly like corn chips I would say, which seems online to be a yeast or allergy? He wasn’t this bad as a puppy but has been getting worse as he gets older. I’m not sure if it’s diet related but as a puppy he was on Purina proplan puppy and now he’s on Purina proplan 70/30 sport (I think that’s what it’s called?) I bathe him every two weeks with Earthbath and apply a spray conditioner after. I bring him to the groomers monthly. It makes no difference. I don’t notice any skin issues or excessive scratching but he does lick his paws a ton. Also, inside his ears seem maybe pink and scaly but not red or irritated that I would worry about an ear infection. I also never see him scratching his ears. Are there any supplements that would help? Should I switch his foods? Put lotions on him? What can I do. I can’t deal with this. It’s to the point that when I open the door to the room he’s in, I feel like gagging. It’s not a poop or fishy smell, more reminds me of like stinky feet.

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Mila & Yami

Little sisters 💕 aren't they beautiful?


Puppy sleep


Flea/tick heart worm,ring and hookworms

Hey everyone! My cute baby boy named Cotton and I moved Down to the Cape Cod area in Massachusetts and it’s been quite well, for the most part. He got some pretty bad fleas, but we took care of the case pretty quickly since we addressed it fast. But, I want to make sure that I stay on top of the issue. My dog has a long coat, and is about 40lbs. Is there an affordable medication that you can recommend I give him monthly that won’t break the bank? My roommates are helping me buy the flea and tick medication, I usually don’t cheap out on this stuff. While I’m looking for a job they said they wanted a cheaper alternative, as they have two of their own dog’s medicine two worry about which makes sense. and don’t want to pay the $30.00 for 3 dogs. Also, any recommendations on getting the house cleaned for fleas and eggs besides borax and laundry? I’ve been working on that too. Thanks a million in advance everyone!


UPDATE: How do you prepare a dog for a major operation if you can’t explain what’s going to happen & why? 💔

My original posts can be found [here]( & [here] ( Yesterday morning we dropped our darling girl off at the vets for her big operation & she was brought home via animal ambulance later that afternoon; we had a *very* long night, with lots of pacing & squeaking, & it took her **16 hours** to finally settle long enough for us all to get some sleep! She spent many of the sleepless 16 hours glaring at us, in true malamute style but this evening she is much more like her usual self, apart from some occasional squeaks of outrage/pain & she’s not letting us near her back end, which is totally fair 😂 The photo attached is from about an hour before she properly fell asleep when I thought I’d *finally* got her into bed but she got back up again two minutes later 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ After all your fantastic recommendations & advice we ordered her a bodysuit & we 100% made the right decision — although we have no idea how the vet is going to check her incision on Friday 😂 She went into “hospital” with a packed lunch, her favourite stuffie & some treats, & she came home having refused to eat & apparently paid no attention to her stuffie 🤦🏻‍♀️ Our vet told us that the lump they removed was mostly fluid so they’re hopeful it was “just” a cyst but the results could take up to 10 days to come back… if the lump was more than a cyst then we’re not certain what we’ll choose to do next. Our girl isn’t young & we’ll have to think about what’s best for her quality of life if the possibility of more treatment comes up. But for now we are thankful that she’s still her brilliant self & that her behaviour doesn’t seem to have changed at all — we were very worried the procedure would age her but she’s already trying to jump around (which is going to put one or both of us in hospital for a heart attack if she keeps at it!!). The vet also checked her teeth, ears, paws & skin & said that she is in great condition for her age. I want to thank you call from the bottom of our hearts for your kind words, reassurances, advice & stories; I’ve read every comment & appreciate every single one. We know we have a few week of healing to go but we feel like we’re at least *out of the woods* at this point. Love to you all ♥️


Discoloration on my dogs nose

Hey everyone there is a discoloration on my dog nose, he is eating normally and he is in a good mood, i already got a appointment for Saturday at the vet but im little worried about his nose Anyone know why there is a discoloration?


New Puppy Separation Anxiety


Questions regarding possible FHO

Hello everyone, My 10 month old Shiba was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at around 5 months. We've been working hard with her doing PT, supplements recommend by our vet and the rehabilitation specialist and adequan injections. Unfortunately, we haven't had much luck in retaining muscle tone in her back hip (leg has atrophy) and she has started to put most of her weight on her front paw to compensate. A few weeks ago after two trucks crashed in front of us on a walk and my puppy managed to slip out of her collar and harness because she was so scared. Thankfully, she is a very smart girl and went straight home and waited for us to arrive. During her mad dash home she injured her hip further and has developed a significant limp and is pain. Our vet and orthopedic surgeon recommended moving forward with getting an FHO. My question/hop is maybe what all can I expect from getting the FHO. I understand that her quality of life should improve - she is a super active dog and trying to keep her from jumping and running is next to impossible right now even though she can hardly walk. What can I expect from the after treatment - anything I need to be aware of moving forward? I honestly didn't even know what questions to ask the vet because a year ago I had never heard of an FHO. Can anyone share any success stores? Also any issues that could arise from getting the FHO? Sorry for such a long post - I'm just a little overwhelmed.


Help needed

my little fur baby is 2yrs old and suddenly she’s developed this red dot like thing. I have no idea what it is. I’ve been putting a herbal ointment on it however it isn’t working ! The hair from that area has shed on its own! Can someone please tell me what it may be ! I’ll be travelling to the city next week will be taking her to the vet then! So I wanted to know if it’s something serious !




