I'm looking for some Dick, what'cha got for me lads? (AKA the "Sell me on Nightwing" thread).

I love Dick Grayson as a character but have no idea where to start in the comics. If you were looking to get someone into his story, what order/runs would you recommend?

Read also:

Batman cosplay WIP


Batman: The Animated Series by @PinkHavok


A Tribute To Arleen Sorkin by DNCSamsonART.


If it was your choice! Who are you casting as the villian for James Gunns Batman movie?


Currently reading this series. I'm having a blast, highly recommended!


What’s your opinion Lincoln March


[Batman #8 pg 40 Agu-Sept 1941 ]Golden age Robin was hardcore, I mean, WOW!


Batman analyzes Martian Manhunter’s weaknesses. [DC Comics: Anatomy of a Metahuman]


rest in peace arleen sorkin the original voice actress for harley quinn

its sad to say but we lost yet another talent arleen sorkin the original voice of harley quinn has died if it wernt for this wonderful woman we wouldnt have this beloved character who no doubt will live on thanks to the incredible tara strong the thing about arleen is that she gave what was meant to be a one off character a full fledged personality there was so much spunk and fun to harley but with the tragedy hiding behind it all she was a wonderful voice actress and the comforting thought is that she will get to see kevin conroy again harley and batman will be reunited and battle forever thank you for such a lovely character arleen


Jason Todd makeup from Titans Season 3
