What do you think of this position?

It felt like a kind of funky position. What do you think? Is it a bad one? If so, any tips on things to avoid to get to this kind of position? Fyi I ended up blundering my queen later in the game and lost… (wasn’t paying attention)

Read also:

Who is winning here?

I lost this game, as black


Proud of this one. 2 brilliants and 80%.


Forced a draw. Felt good as heck.

I was on beginner but this person was definitely NOT a beginner. Felt so good to not let them win.


Played Evans gambit, got to this position, computer says it's blunder, 'show moves' doesn't help.

Idea was to defend the pawn while also developing the bishop, sound good right ? Not according to the engine.


how did I win?

How did I win this game??


Guess what my opponent didn’t prevent from this position


this game hates me


Why did this end in stalemate?

This has happened twice now where I think I've got it in the bag and then the app tells me it's a draw?


I've finally stopped rushing my games

So I usually play 3 or 5 minute games and win or loose I do it way too fast and generally play moves quick that I feel are right. Today I decided to spend the evening playing some games and taking my time on moves and this is the results. Accuracy has jumped up massively and I've gained about 80 rating points from like 730 to 810


Why won't my snickerdoodles spread out?

So I tried making pumpkin spice snickerdoodles and the taste was great, so I'd like to get the texture right. Typically when I make these I take them out of the oven after a few minutes and tap them on the counter to get them to spread out and get the crinkle on top instead of being puffy. These refused to cooperate. What can I do to make them less puffy and cakey next time while still making them pumpkin spice? I'm basic and I can't help it.
