Why can’t pawn take here?

I’m around 700 elo on chess.com and I was toying around with a position I saw on an Instagram reel. I got to a check with the black bishop on e5 and I don’t understand why chess.com says it’s an illegal move to take with the white pawn on f6.

Read also:

Kinda embarrassed cause I didn’t even see checkmate here, just felt like Kg4 was the best move

Anyone else checkmate people accidentally? I feel like it’s not something to aspire to lol


Can someone explain to me why saving the queen is an inaccuracy? (its a puzzle and I'm REALLY confused.)


[Puzzle] How does this move lose 3 points?


I feel kinda bad

Friendly reminder that even if a game is a complete lost cause, you will learn more from playing then resigning. Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky.


Mate in 5

A nice attack I ran into


i got to 1300 today !


My first brilliant!

Although I lost the game in the end...


Why cant i move my Knight to 2e? Im really new to chess (Sorry If its a stupid question)


Im new to chess. But check out this mate in 3 I found to win the game! Hint ( Queen Sack )


In this position, the computer suggests a very high elo move. As a casual player, I don’t have the mental capacities to understand the brilliancy of the engine.
